Oregon ContraceptiveCare


Oregon ContraceptiveCare

FREE contraceptive services for all Oregon State University students who qualify.

Student Health Services is pleased to participate in the Oregon ContraceptiveCare program (CCare).

This state program provides free contraceptive management services, birth control and reproductive health care to OSU students, regardless of gender. If you qualify, you will not be billed.

SHS CCare office: 541-737-9140  |  Contraceptive counseling appointments: 541-737-9355

FREE Contraception! What is Ccare?

What is CCare?

CCare is a state and federally funded program through a grant from the Centers for Medicaid Services and the Oregon Department of Human Services that allows OSU Student Health to provide reproductive health care and contraceptive services to people with certain income criteria. 


To qualify for the program:

  • You must be a U.S. citizen or have eligible immigration status (call the CCare office for immigration status eligibility).
  • And your monthly income cannot exceed $3,138 for individuals and $4,259 for a couple.
    • This is just your income (before taxes) and does not include your parent's income nor any money obtained through financial aid.
  • Note: If you are on the Oregon Health Plan, you are already part of the program.

If you meet these requirements, you can enroll immediately and schedule an appointment to meet with a clinician, usually within a couple of days.

How do I enroll in CCare?

CCare is part of OSU Student Health. Contact the CCare office (541-737-9140) to request an enrollment form via DocuSign. The CCare office is staffed, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Services covered

CCare will pay for contraceptive management office visits, including birth control consultations, initiation and follow-up care, a yearly exam, and emergency contraception.

Student Health Services is staffed with highly qualified health professionals who provide confidential services to guide you to the best contraceptive methods to fit your preferences. Call 541-737-9140 to schedule a contraceptive counseling appointment.

Birth control methods available

  • Oral contraceptives
  • Emergency contraceptive (Plan B)
  • Ring
  • Patch
  • Depo Provera (hormonal injection)
  • IUS (Mirena, Skyla, Kyleena)
  • IUD (ParaGard)
  • Hormonal implant (Nexplanon)
  • External and receptive condoms
  • Diaphragm
  • Spermicides

What services are NOT covered by CCare?

CCare does NOT provide treatment for:

  • Bladder or urinary tract infections
  • Prenatal care
  • Pregnancy confirmation 
  • STI testing and treatment

Note: Separating contraceptive services and annual exams from the SHS list of services covered by the health fee allows students who are eligible to enroll in the CCare program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who have insurance that covers contraceptive management can still be eligible for the program if they meet the other criteria.

We will bill your insurance provider and then CCare as a secondary. You will not be charged.

However, if you are insured under your parents plan, you may request special confidentiality. In this case, no insurance billing will go out and CCare will cover contraceptive related charges. Feel free to contact the CCare office for more information about CCare coverage information at 541-737-9140.

Feel free to contact the CCare office for more information at 541-737-9140.

If you don't qualify for CCare and you have private insurance, your private insurance will be billed for contraceptive services, supplies and annual exams. Prescriptions will be sent to your pharmacy of choice.

If you do not feel comfortable having your insurance billed, or your insurance does not cover contraceptive services, then a $5 administrative fee will be placed on your student account in addition to any fees for lab work or procedures.

Eligibility, once determined, will remain effective for 12 months from the date of initial determination. Eligibility determined at one site is accepted at all CCare and/or Planned Parenthood clinics in Oregon.

Yes. Clients must complete a new enrollment form annually. This will enable us to determine if you are still eligible to receive CCare services.

If you are new to the CCare program at SHS or you are needing a refill, you will need to schedule an initial appointment for contraceptive counseling. The appointment takes approximately 30 minutes and is done via telehealth. During this appointment, your clincian will discuss different contraceptive methods and will help you choose the best method for your lifestyle. A prescription will be filled onsite at the Plageman Student Health Center unless you prefer to fill it off campus (CCare does not cover prescriptions sent off campus pharmacies).

If you need emergency contraception before your initial visit, contact the appointment line to schedule a sameday telehealth appointment with a nurse.

No. You do not need to schedule an annual exam to discuss contraception. After your initial office visit, your clinician can determine whether you should have an annual exam.

SHS will fill and dispense prescriptions for CCare patients only. You can pick it up at the Plageman Student Health Center or it can be mailed to any address in Oregon (note: vaginal ring prescriptions cannot be mailed).