Fees for Services


Fees for Services

Oregon State University health fees per term

Fall, winter and spring 2024-2025 health fees

Student Health Services: $166.49

Counseling & Psychological Services: $77.36

Total health fee: $243.85


Summer 2024 health fees

Student Health Services: $159.45

Counseling & Psychological Services: $55.31

Total health fee: $214.76


More info about student fees

About the OSU health fee

Students are notified of tuition and fees before enrolling, and all fees are included in financial aid calculations. 

One visit to SHS makes up for the cost of the quarterly health fee. Initial office visits in the private medical community generally cost more than the charge for the university's health fee.

The health fee...

  • Supports the public health of the OSU community.
  • Makes health services accessible to students.
  • Supports 60 percent of SHS operations.
  • Covers services for both SHS and CAPS.
The health fee covers:
  • Most office visits (excludes all lab work or procedures)
  • Nutrition consults with a registered dietitian
  • Substance use counseling services
  • Health promotion outreach programming and events
  • Nurse advice by phone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week
The health fee does not cover:
  • Lab tests, X-rays (now available at Samaritan Athletic Medicine Center), EKG and spirometry
  • Immunizations and allergy shots
  • Travel appointments
  • Procedures such as ear irrigation, sutures/wound care, wart removal, etc.
  • Physicals (ROTC, Immigration, Pre-Employment, Peace Corps, Athletics, etc.)
  • Office visits with a consultant
  • Office visits for contraceptive management and annual gynecology wellness visits
  • Supplies (bandages, splints, braces, crutch rental, etc.)
  • Missed appointments that are not canceled before scheduled time
  • MVA-Motor Vehicle Accidents*
  • OSU Student Work Comp*


*Required to be billed out to insurances, patient will need to fill out required paperwork.

Payment and reimbursement

Fees for services not covered under the health fee will be billed to the student’s OSU account. If you have insurance coverage and would like it billed see the following information:

If you have the Oregon State Student Health Insurance Plan from PacificSource,

SHS will directly bill your plan if you have this type of coverage. Questions about this plan can be referred to OSU Student Insurance.

If you have the Oregon State Graduate Assistant Plan from PacificSource,

you will need to upload your insurance card to the portal, or bring it in to SHS at your appointment. Please send any questions here

ALL OTHER INSURANCES are considered “OUT OF NETWORK” at SHS, your insurance will be billed as a courtesy. 

Charges not covered by your insurance will appear on your student account after SHS has billed your insurance.  Questions about your bill can be referred to phone 541-737-2068, to Amy Curry. If you leave a message please include your student ID number, remember messages and emails are not secure.

For all patients: 

Before you come in for your appointment, you can upload your insurance card, and sign the “Consent to Treat” and “Assignment of Benefits” on your patient portal.

Student Health Services is not a participating provider for Oregon Health Plan and all non-OSU sponsored insurance plans. Students who are on the Oregon Health Plan and have paid the OSU health fee may still come to SHS for their office visits, which are covered by their OSU health fee. However, any additional services that incur a charge are the responsibility of the patient.

Summer session medical care

Our programs and services are available to students who are enrolled in summer session and have paid the health fee.

Students can access services over the summer without being enrolled in summer session if they:

  • Were enrolled at OSU the previous spring term
  • Will also be registering for fall term
  • Pay the health fee for summer term.

You can pay the summer health fee either in person at Kerr Administration or online. Payment is not accepted at the health center.