For your own health and safety and for the safety of your peers and animal patients, the following are required upon admission to OSU & the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Complete, sign and submit the College of Veterinary Medicine Health History Form. This form must be completed and submitted to receive medical clearance.
Complete and sign: College of Veterinary Medicine Health History Form
Upload to the Patient Portal: Return completed form by uploading to: Immunization Record section on the Student Health Services Patient Portal
By email:
By mail:
Oregon State University Student Health Services
Attention: Professional Programs
850 SW 26th St.
Corvallis, OR 97331
By fax:
Attention: Professional Programs Nurse
Fax: 541-737-7236
*Note: This is different than the Veterinary Medicine Health History Form.
You must also complete the general OSU Health History and Immunization forms before your first term. Please visit the Patient Portal to complete this requirement. If you are unable to use the online form, you may go to the forms section of our website and print the appropriate form to send along with your immunization records.
By email:
By mail:
Oregon State University Student Health Services
Attention: Immunization Compliance
850 SW 26th St.
Corvallis, OR 97331
By fax:
Attention: Immunization Compliance
Fax: 541-737-9665
Rabies Vaccine Series (must choose one of four options):
Oftentimes, animal handlers may be unaware of an animal allergy until they are exposed to animals over time. If at any point in your studies you develop allergic symptoms or your current symptoms progress, please contact Jessica Ziegler at, 541-737-2724, who will then help coordinate an appointment at Student Health Services (covered by the student health fee).
The College of Veterinary Medicine is offering a 25% off discount for vet students for the rabies series only. A Student Health Services billing department representative will coordinate billing student insurances. Please bring your insurance card with you to the rabies clinic and contact us via email with any further questions.
Student Health Services and Oregon State University sincerely appreciate your efforts in keeping you and the OSU community safe.