Below are some of our most frequently asked questions.

If you have a technical problem or question, please see if one of the answers below can resolve it.

If you experience additional technical difficulties, please contact OSU Student Health. Your email will be answered as quickly as possible.


If you encounter this problem try one of the following:

  1. Make sure you are on a laptop or computer; the programs do not work on tablets, iPads, or smart phones.
  2. Try using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for your browser-- some students use Internet Explorer and that browser doesn't work really well with the program.
  3. Make sure your Java and/or Flash player are up to date
  4. If none of these options fix your problem, there is technical support from OSU Student Health.

You've come to Oregon State University to study, work, and make connections that will influence the rest of your professional life.

The topics covered in our required online programs are not limited to your life at school and can impact anyone, anywhere, regardless of student status.

All OSU students are part of our campus community - you too can play a role in creating environments that are healthy, safe, and welcoming.


Not finding what you're looking for?

If you are experiencing technical problems with your required online programs, please:

Contact OSU Student Health