UPDATE: Effective June 16, 2023, Oregon State University will no longer require proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
Two doses of measles vaccine given at least 30 days apart on or after the first birthday or physician documentation of measles disease or a lab test documenting immunity to measles disease.
Two doses of mumps vaccine given at least 30 days apart on or after the first birthday or physician documentation of mumps disease or a lab test documenting immunity to mumps disease.
One dose of rubella vaccine given on or after the first birthday or a lab test documenting immunity to rubella disease.
Hepatitis B is required for all students. Date of disease is also accepted.
While not required at this time, we highly recommended the following:
The required health form is available online at the Patient Portal. You must also submit copies of your official immunization documentation by fax, mail or email prior to arriving at OSU.
Fax: 541-737-9665